Brad is Of Counsel in Maynard Nexsen’s Corporate & Business Transactions practice group.
Brad has over a decade of experience focused on communications matters, with an emphasis on advocating for service providers and other industry partners before federal and state agencies regarding broadband infrastructure deployment and government funding opportunities. His experience covers a wide range of communications-related rulemakings, investigations, audits and enforcement actions. He regularly represents clients in mediation, litigation and other disputes with government agencies as well as other service providers.
He also advises established and start-up service providers on federal wireless spectrum policy, including spectrum auctions involving mid- and high-frequency bands supporting wireless technologies, and assists clients in completing regulatory due diligence for transactions involving mergers, acquisitions and service agreements.
Prior to joining Maynard Nexsen, Brad most recently worked in state government as legal counsel for implementing federal and state broadband grant programs and addressing related procurement and legislative issues. Brad also worked in private practice and with the federal government in the Federal Communications Commission. He served as legal advisor to the FCC Enforcement Bureau on consumer protection and network security matters involving unauthorized operations, deceptive marketing, truth-in-billing, call spoofing, data security and emergency communications. Brad received the Enforcement Bureau Chief’s Award for his substantial contributions to the FCC’s public service mission.
Brad holds a J.D., with honors, from the George Washington University Law School. He earned his B.A. in Political Science, summa cum laude, from Boston University.
Community & Professional
- Montgomery County Bar Association
- Federal Communications Bar Association
- State Bar: Alabama, District of Columbia
- U.S. Court of Appeals: District of Columbia